Monday, June 2, 2014

Jonah Goldberg: Running Scared from a Hilary Clinton Presidency

Republicans are scared of a Hilary Clinton presidential run. They just need to come out and say it already. They know full well whatever clown crawls out of the wreckage of next year’s GOP Presidential Candidate Clown Car Rally™ is going to lose to her. It won’t be pretty, and so now you see the GOP/right-wing at it’s best: trying to fire up the base with some good old fashioned Clinton bashing!

The GOP/right-wing know people as a whole aren’t paying attention. It’s why they can cycle through their boogeyman at a pretty good clip and no one really notices. It’s no surprise that the lack of Obamacare failure gave rise to renewed Benghazi inquests. Never mind the over a dozen congressional investigations that if they had turned up something scandal worthy, we would never hear the end of it out of Fox News and right-wing pundits.

But what is so bad about another democrat president? Haven’t the GOP/right-wing had field day driving a centrist corporate democrat president further to the right with obstinacy and general “do-nothing”-ness? Time and time again have they not gotten almost everything they’ve wanted out of Obama? Is this all a sick ploy to actually get Hilary elected in 2016?

The reason I bring up the whole "GOP/right-wing know people don’t pay attention" is because Jonah Goldberg riffs on a common political tactic and twists it around as some sort of bellwether to Hilary’s certain defeat. That tactic: distancing yourself from your political counterparts.

But first, some clarification on the recent history. Mr. Goldberg asserts that candidate Obama “pandered to liberal hopes”. This is juvenile wordplay on Mr. Goldberg’s part, but isn’t accurate. Candidate Obama, and most mainstream candidates, pander to most EVERYONE, even during the respective party primaries. He also goes on to say that Obama “promised miracles and magic”, which again, isn’t true. Again, I'd like some sort of context or examples, of said miracles and magic. However, he did propel "Hope" and "Change", but I don't know how magical or miraculous those things are.

Perhaps in the ass lined cave that Jonah Goldberg keeps his head in, Obama-come-Savior was the case. But what both candidate Obama and candidate Hilary were doing was distancing themselves from each other and also W. Who at the time was the veiled political Satan and chief driver of our country's economy in to the ditch. It should be noted that John McCain certainly wasn’t touting just how much like W. he would if he got in office (well…aside from that ridiculous foreign policy of skullfucking “The Terrorists”).

It could be said that in 2008 Americans got wrapped up in Obamamania. But Mr. Goldberg blames “liberals” for voting with their hearts and not their heads for why Obama came to power, and why the government is now suddenly being run by a boob. And to be fair, I have no real defense on the way Obama is running the executive, because it doesn’t matter to me. What was clear that Americans wanted something different, and being pandered to by a really old white man and an illiterate hockey mom was not the answer they were looking for. Then in 2012 they staunchly defended themselves from being presided over by a literal manifestation of "The Man".

When Mr. Goldberg runs with Obama’s handling of the VA “scandal” as some sort of proof that democrats are really regretting that whole “hopey changey thing”, I have to wonder if that’s just wishful thinking on his ideology and behalf. Time and time again, actual scandals worth being scandalized over pop up, and the GOP/right-wing do nothing. This VA scandal isn’t being pushed too hard by the right-wing pundit class because the GOP/right-wing are the most responsible for it. They would rather harp on something like Benghazi which isn’t nearly so tied in to GOP/right-wing congressional malfeasance wagon.

Mr. Goldberg surmises that Hilary is distancing herself from Obama because of his perceived failures, and is attempting to run from it. Of course she is! This is how it’s been done since the founding of this nation! Every candidate to a “T” has distanced themselves from the previous occupant in order to get in said occupants place! That Hilary won’t dare run on any of her time in the Obama administration because that will tank her chances, is ludicrous. Any politician worth their salt is going to downplay fault or perceived “failures”. It isn’t like Hilary doesn’t know Benghazi isn’t going to hound her during her run. Hell, that’s why the GOP/right-wing is still pushing it as if it’s something.

Mr. Goldberg asserts: “Americans almost never reward a party with a third consecutive term in the White House, and when they do, it’s because they want more of the same. Anyone want to wager on how much of a “more of the same” mood America will be in come 2016?” Oddly enough, that depends. I don’t think most Americans are buying what the current GOP/right-wing is selling, that’s for sure. And while Obama’s numbers may be going down, it isn’t because he’s mired in scandal and inept as the right-wing would attest, they’re just getting bored with him.

To end his column Mr. Goldberg insults Hilary’s time as Secretary of State. The manner in which he does show is a really good primer in the GOP/right-wing’s strategy in trying to either dissuade her from running, or what they will harp on when she does. It’s bad enough that they’re insinuating that she might have brain damage (after ravenously proclaiming at the time of her concussion she was faking it to get out of Benghazi investigations), but that she also might be too old to run for office. This coming from the same party that is THE de facto party for propelling old white men presidential candidates! Ronald Reagan was 69, John McCain was 72, Bob Dole was 73 and we’re really going to take Hilary to task on age?

It’s odd that once again Jonah Goldberg uses a construct, in the case the “Hilary-Industrial Complex“, to lambaste “liberals” while rigidly maintaining the GOP/right-wing groupthink that anything that isn’t staunchly conservative is THE EVIL. Does he not even see the irony in this? The right-wing “bubble” is largely to blame for their inability to maintain executive or congressional power very long? 

And “liberals” are still the ideology who votes with their hearts and not their heads?

The GOP/right-wing are clearly afraid of a Hilary Clinton presidential run. It’s apparent just from Jonah Goldberg’s column that this is true. All those conservative presidential darlings of a few months back? Chris Christie, Jeb Bush…where are they now? And while Sheldon Adelson and the other moneyed interest hasn’t quite publicly declared a victor in the GOP “Blunder Games”, you can expect that the “defeat Hilary at all costs playbook” is being written at this moment.

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