Monday, August 8, 2011

Ramblings and Rumblings...

To attempt to write anything political in nature right now would lead my head to exploding. In the past few weeks I've typed up half-a-dozen tirades. I wrote something about Jack Krier being an idiot in response to an editorial he wrote saying if Casey Anthony had just aborted her daughter, she'd be celebrated by liberals and "pro-abortion" people as a saint. Some weeks later he would publish a guest editorial that represents "the average American" and their promise to stop being the cause of our economic turmoil, and to try and not be a xenophobic, hate mongering, idiotic piece of shit. Yeah, it's been weird following this asshole's editorial trajectory.

Most of the editorials that could and should have gotten my ire up were just never present. I swear, all these pundits just didn't have the balls to write ANYTHING about the manufactured debt crisis. I had Kathleen Parker and couple other right wing ding dongs writing about how Obama lied about the depth of his mother's cancer treatment. A politician exaggerating something to dramatic effect during an election season? You don't say! You have Keith Olbermann on his illustrious show saying to his viewers (paraphrasing)"Rise up, I don't know where or how, that's what instant messaging is for, but go out and...." Gee, thanks? This is what I want from my punditry: feigned leadership with a side of do-it-yourself and brushing away hand gestures. Are you to busy to maybe lead this uprising you keep shouting for? Or is this just street cred upkeep to maintain viewership and advertising dollars?

No, instead of trying to educate readership about what's really going on in the ol' D.C. these buffoons just wrote and thump their chest to the same stupid, staid bullshit, as if nothing was happening.

Granted, they're probably like most of us in this entire political marsh: under informed, angry and finding ourselves (the general masses) just the same as ever. Just getting by and wondering what all the fuss is about.

Regardless, most of that bullshit theatre in Washington wasn't for anyone who had half an idea what was going on. It was more for the "independents" who only pay attention in the even numbered years, or when the panic button keeps getting smashed on accident under the weight of someones idiotic fat ass.

It's even got to the point that listening to lively "debate" on the days topics has made even me, the steady hand of your Mayor, just turn up the apathy and listen for the crash. This past weeks Real Time with Bill Maher was a revelation in the general lack of anything substantive being said or done on anything that faces our society. Just talking over each other and then snarky sarcasm leading up to a dick joke.

There's need for a third party, but it's more like this: We're uninformed, angry and want to do something about it. We think we did do something by standing around with thousands of other people in rallies and such. We even got permits, time and places to do our civic duty. Nothing happened but the usual nonsense of replacing one party with another to see if that would help. The anger is mostly made of disappointment. We gave all our money to another guy a few years ago, we're not necessarily sorry we did it, but now we don't have enough to effect real change.

Honestly, we do deserve this. If we as a society cannot and will not stop yawning and shrugging our shoulders then this is what we're going to keep receiving year in and year out. It shouldn't take economic turmoil to open eyes and minds to this!

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