Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cradle Robbing...

I didn’t really anticipate a sort of bookend to go with my last article. It has dawned on me in the past that a LOT of early 20-somethings have been popping up with the conservative mantra’s of yore, but I never really thought too much of it. A time long ago, I was also a perceived (mostly from self) intellectual monolith. I had the political game figured out, I drew my sides, I scoffed at rival party definitions, I snorted at those who had the temerity to claim “independent” or “swing”! I did my homework on candidates of all levels, and I got in to many a heated political debate just for the mere fun of the hunt. To spar, to wit, to walk away head help up high as to not catch the stench of defeat with the very nostrils of the victor.
Of course, this plan wrought great pains of labor later in my life, as I had become jaded by the lover “politician” realizing that vapid promises do not keep money in bank, therefore food on the table, and drink to fuel the debate. The lover that scorned me was the fall of Howard Dean.
Howard Dean was the answer I was looking for, he took no guff, and although an old white dood of the whitest doodery, he was still a spitfire on the old, withered, white man oaks that filled my political love life with dread. But, just as easily and passionately he came, he was outrageously outdone by Fox News, incessantly playing his rallying cry “Beeargh!” over and over and over again. This was in turn picked up by EVERY news outlet. Then Howard dean was undone, and that asshole who had destroyed my ability to care to cast a ballot was re-elected in 2004. Thus, the affair had died.
I still maintain my vigorous need to be knowledgeable about the state of our body politic. So that when I read things that are blatant lies, insults to my assumed intelligence, I can catch it and not let it ruin my opinion or lead me to be grossly informed. I prefer not being ignorant, who doesn’t? Well, lots of people it seems.
I find yet another young fresh face pops up from the Heritage Foundation. Learning that these “think tanks” with fancy non-partisan sounding names are anything of the sort. If it has a prestigious sounding name, like it would bake you an apple pie in the spare time or do your accounting for you, then it’s probably conservative, and full of inaccuracy, or to the layman: bold-faced shit eating lies!
Her name, Tina Korbe. Another young beautiful former beauty queen, who writes of wasteful government spending (as if there is any other type!).
As a cynic who recognizes cynic game, I tip my hat to the conservative movement. When it was discovered that most of the Sarah Palin fan club is middle-aged white men, I was not surprised. When I watch Fox News and see that most of the females are wearing short skirts, and the camera constantly pans back to show gorgeous shiny legs, I recognize the coy, cynical game that is afoot. A lot of these women supposedly have degrees, and were former lawyers.
When Tina Korbe is writing about wasteful spending, but needs the assistance of one Robert Bluey, I have to scratch my head a little. On closer inspection, she may be out of her element, what with writing staid puff pieces about women’s issues. But more importantly, I wonder why anyone would need two people to write an editorial? Especially one that lacks substance, and increasingly begs the reader with a mind to say “And, what exactly?” But this isn’t really my point.
A lot of these fresh faced up-and-coming pundits-in-waiting seem to just be conservative painting by numbers. The only colors being Red State Rouge, and the occasional Reagan Rose. I find it rather humorous that they weren’t even alive during most of the implementations of the various “problems” they now write about weekly. Hrm, a Congressional policy that’s been enacted for over 33 years, is now a complete and utter travesty of the worse ilk because Democrats are now in charge? The fact that government has been mostly under the control of Republican regimes for various long stretches of time over those said decades, and that one would think, using Tina Korbe’s logic, would fix these problems, is never addressed! Ever!
This is written by purportedly highly educated people! I could understand, and refrain from losing my mind, if it was the local republican, with his associates degree in plumbing, and a worn “W” sticker on his truck’s rear window writing in to the local paper. You have to wonder if Tina Korbe has every challenged her ideology in all her years of university. If the only internship available to her was some Republican with a thing for corn-fed Midwestern blondes.
I don’t mistake that a lot of these new conservatives were never alive to see the corruption and chaos that was wrought under Republican control. Or to see that in the grand scheme of things worrying about the women’s movement from a subset of America that admonishes the freethinking, mindful women’s liberation movement. Never felt the sting of impoverishment, or needed scholarships to be the first person of their family to finish college.
The willful acknowledgement to rewrite the history books is not lost on a lot of people. It is easier to rewrite if you are ignorant of the context that bore it. Conservatives need, and yes, feast on these young minds because intelligence is their mortal enemy. In a world where that very day’s news can be twisted and fomented in to something otherworldly and let’s face it, wrong; it is easy keep turning the young face forward and whisper sweet nothings from an imaginary bygone era in to their ear.
With unchallenged ethics and unchanged hearts and minds, these young people are a feast for the old, fat, tired, fearful white old doods of yesteryear. If you can couch your racism in airy indignation and ferocity of youth, then you will. If you can add new wood and steel to the starboard of your ship from the fresh oaks, and fiery furnaces from the mill of idiocy and forest of blindness of youth, then you will to fight the tide of progress.
I am not trying to demean the intelligence of any young conservative writer, or insult their perceived intelligence. But I do challenge them to test themselves and their beliefs with reality, then if they are found wanting, to go back to their ignorance, and inability to tackle real issues with government and the United Sates in general, not just nationally, but locally. Be a human being and grow out from your ideology and gain real insight, or at least be realistic about your shameless, corporate funded whore hive mind.

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