Friday, June 3, 2011

Jack Krier and the Amazing "Intellectual Dishonesty"!

I think I finally understand how right-wingers feel when anyone fellates Bill Clinton’s legacy, or I guess even FDR for that matter. Every time I read about how awesome (so awesome) Ronald Reagan was, my arm starts cramping from all the knocking his dick out of every single right wing nut’s mouth. Our beautiful Friend of the City Haterville™ Jack Krier chimes in with some recent knee bruising gobbling. Hell, by now he’s even got an over-sized bib to collect all the drippings to later be canned up and broke out to sniff from time to time when that black man running the country, who’s ruining everything, subverts more of his freedoms.

He starts with that old Reagan adage: “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close semblance to the first.”. Mr. Krier fails to remember that he said this while being spread eagle in the Lincoln bedroom taking it from every corporate interest lobby, evangelical bible thumper, wall street coke hound, and anyone with a “generous” campaign contribution right in his asshole throughout his entire administration. When Dick Cheney is spouting that “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter,” and the fact that he raised taxes after a couple disastrous attempts at deregulation, pretty much creating this fiscal tsunami we’re currently failing at, you can’t tell me he was a font of political immaculateness.

More to the point I think the beginning of Mr. Krier’s article is more a veiled attempt to call Nancy Pelosi a whore. Clever girl! Who’s “intellectual dishonesty” (the lower bar of the uneven bar gymnastics Mr. Krier will attempt in his article) is an example of why politicians are the bane to the public general.

Her crime? Oh, yeah that’s coming. She said in 2006: “Even if Osama bin Laden is caught tomorrow, it is five years too late. He has done more damage the longer he has been out there. But, in fact, the damage that he has done .. Is done. And even to capture him now I don’t think makes us any safer.”. Mr. Krier then flashes forward with her recent comment after the death of bin Laden: “The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaeda…” she then goes on to congratulate the President and the administration involved, the boiler plate stuff you’re all familiar with by now in regard to bin Laden’s demise. Mr. Krier believes those two statements are tantamount to partisan hackery and foolishness. In fact it is conclusive proof of “intellectual dishonesty”.

First of all, what the hell is “intellectual dishonesty“? Especially in this case. These are two separate statements that are…well, SEPARATE STATEMENTS. These are nothing compared to the “President Bush deserves the credit for this, not Obama” bullshit that the right wing has been parroting since the president stepped away from the podium on that May 1st evening. Even that is a flimsy statement, and lo, only the lowliest of the right wing buffoon’s trumpet that one, Mr. Krier being one of those it seems. The first statement is a very important point that needed to be made. The damage bin Laden did to our society on 9/11 left a deep wound that will never heal fully. Especially coupled with the way the Bush administration used it to fuel the deep uprooting of our constitutional freedoms, amongst other things and not limited to the useless invasion of Iraq to nab not bin Laden but some other character not even wholly involved! And did killing bin Laden make us any safer? Uh, no. Al-Qaeda didn’t poof in to smoke and fade away the moment bin Laden ate it, or am I mistaken? Suffice it to say, the wound is still healing.

Mr. Krier wonders why the good ole “mainstream media” didn’t pick this hypocrisy up and splash it at least under the massive “bin Laden Dead!” headlines. No great pressings of “Politician caught being duplicitous!” What? Again!? Really, Mr. Krier if that’s her high crime against the American public then we have a bigger problem on our hands. Strangely Mr. Krier failed to run this on the front page of ANY of his papers, let alone any other pages. He just chose to editorialize about it. Hrm, that’s curious.

But you see Mr. Krier, she wasn’t being “intellectually dishonest”. The second statement is, again, a boilerplate congratulations, one that she would’ve gladly heaped (though slightly begrudgingly like your fellow right wingers to Obama) on President Bush had he even bothered to capture bin Laden. The fact that you had to go to some right wing blog called Power Line to dig up this juicy journalistic nugget, also kind of tips your hand to your own ravaged partisanship.

Mr. Krier, can we also let go of those Red Herring’s “mainstream media” and “both sides are guilty”? I’m going to go ahead and state for the record that there hasn’t been a real good modern ‘republican” president since Teddy Roosevelt and he’d slap the taste out the mouths of anyone calling themselves republican if he were alive today. Both sides are guilty only in being an amalgamation of everything wrong with our political system today. There’s honestly no real difference anymore, they are in fact the very whores you speak of early in the column! But republican presidents, and congressmen/women share one common theme: they continually set our society on the path to ruin, and betray the trust of those who voted them in to office in the first place(see Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Hoover). This is why you’re constantly waiving the “both sides are complicit” bullshit every time one of your boys plunges our economy or public conscience in to the toilet. Even the republicans that you should claim on high with Reaganesque cockgobblings gusto like the afore mention Theodore Roosevelt (hell Abraham Lincoln anyone?), you disavow in a heartbeat because they smell a hint of compromise and progressive societal gain, plus it goes too far back in history to be relevant to the revisionist bent of right wingers!

It’s why you constantly need to buoy your failed republican presidencies with revisionist history nonsense. Reagan has his questionable Iranian Hostage Crisis, desperately clawing away at Carter’s legacy as you’re favorite whipping boy of democrat flavored failure. Yet, you have the temerity to waddle up to the collective table and declare this a “W” in the win column for Bush’s horrible legacy? Never mind that he’s been out of office for two years, AND (as previously stated) had pretty much GIVEN UP looking for Osama bin Laden in 2002. (Thank God for the Internets and YouTube!) That was nearly 10 years ago!

If I’m also not mistaken, didn’t you win the “Reid-Pelosi is a two headed demon who will eat your babies and awash you in financial ruin, cursing you and your kin for all time to the demon Chinese slave trade to work off your formidable debts….” You get the idea. How’s that Tea Party thing working out for you? Oh, caught them spread out too huh?

Mainstream media? Come on Mr. Krier, I could at least respect you if you were to call it the “corporate media” that it truly is. The only bent is to protect that corporate interest and the advertising dollars that fuel it. I don’t watch much network news (I read news articles and watch multiple news sources, you should try it sometime), but when I do happen upon a nightly news, there’s nothing resembling journalism going on. I often wonder if the Today Show has expanded to nineteenth segment, set during the evening. That is how lapse it seems. If there is a partisan bent, it’s not calling out your buffoonish demagogues in the Congress, who seem to be the most able of putting foot in mouth on a regular basis. Need I remind of you Newt’s twisting and turning a few weeks ago? Or are you going to disown him too and say that both sides are guilty of this type of harsh, idiotic backpedaling on a regular basis?

The approval rating of congress is never going to really matter. For good reason. No one’s going ever to be happy with anything a bunch of whore’s try to cook up. The brothel smells and hasn’t been properly cleaned in ages. Yea, there’s a constant stream of fresh meat, bused in from the Midwest (tea party darlings are soooo sweet!), but they too eventually reek of the same ole same ole.

Perhaps, to wrap this all around to your whore analogy, you’re tired of the same offerings of the tired, old, saggy titted Reagan and this is a flimsy way to find a new John to furiously blow for the next thirty-odd years? The unsurprisingly ability of people like Mr. Krier and his ilk to boldly attempt to twist history the exact moment it comes out is something that needs to be watched closely. Unfortunately, this is where journalists came in and protected us from falsities and revisionist demagoguery of right wing blowhards. And even so, Mr. Krier is a “journalist” and has no real qualms pushing lies and half-truths in all of his papers, willingly betraying the very public he should be educating. Intellectual dishonesty indeed, eh Mr. Krier?

***Mayor’s Note: This is Jack Krier’s second mention in this minutes reporting. I noticed in my stats a lot of hits from Google for Jack Krier recently, so felt obliged to the old man who probably spends what little time he has left on earth “Google”’ing himself. He squeezes this in between race baiting, typing up horrible blonde jokes and misinforming local yokels who don’t know what Google even is with his white knuckle ranting/dragging “editorials“ in the myriad of small town papers he publishes every so often.***

1 comment:

  1. Jack Crier is a dick. He owns the paper in my little Missouri town and he represents every negative stereotype that people have about people who live in small towns in Missouri and Kansas. He's an embarrassment.

    He's also racist as hell.
