Monday, June 20, 2011

This is What it Sounds Like...When A-Holes Lie

I’m always amused by the “hey look over there” aspect of much of the right-wing writing. It’s not enough that they’re twisting news and history with a crazy-eyed intensity seen only in balloon animal artists; it’s that they’re also just making things up, lying perfectly still in the tall grass of vagaries and make believe world view that’s shared only by a fistful of people in the beltway. I’ve long since given up on the belief that the right-wing could present facts and actually inform people instead of demagoguing them with a rhetoric choke hold that pythons would envy.

Enter Jay Ambrose, long held as a “I’m going to back this editorial up with half-assed bullshit” kind of writer. One of his columns is how the left leaning liberals are just lying their faces off, and are producing videos to back their scheming tricks and falsehoods. These lies are doing irreparable damage to the right-wing. Where he uses the plural “lies” yet only provides one singular proof of “lies“, and even then it can’t even be counted as a lie as it is a video mocking the Republican Medicare reform.

As a side note, I’d like to point out that the right-wing has a horrible time with satire. I do know people in real life that don’t understand sarcasm or irony. What’s so mind melting is how a lot of right-wingers share this hive mind of just not being able to tap in to the irony of their very existence, or recognize parody or satire.

With this in mind, Jay Ambrose’s “propaganda” is a video showing a Rep. Ryan figure pushing an old lady off a cliff. Because the GOP is all about giving it to Granny with this Medicare reform bill. It’s so grotesque, that Mr. Ambrose suggests that there’s a special place in hell for this kind of “nasty propaganda”. The irony being that he’s pretty much a cog in the ever ready right-wing machine pushing this crazy “reform” as something the nation is desperate for. Never mind that ending the two wars we’re currently engaged and ending the Bush tax cuts would go a long way to fix our nation’s “credit card spending spree” problem.

What’s even more pathetic is that the entire time the right-wing should’ve been harping on this deficit problem they were too busy trying to cut Obama off at the pass and label him a socialist, Maoist, blah blah blah, that was destroying America and that they would never in a billion years have a beer with him. When Cheney stated that “Reagan prove deficits don’t matter” the right-wing could’ve spent days, if not months, railing against that kind of language. Heaven forbid if Biden would’ve said anything resembling that; I can only imagine how many months of columns Mr. Ambrose and his ilk could’ve got out of that one!

To say that Democrats have a “proclivity” to demonize entitlement sanity, and that Rep. Ryan was extraordinary in his courage to help push the Republican party off the same cliff with gran-ma is hilarious in it’s idiocy. Never mind these entitlement programs were in surplus’ for much of their existence and that the real problem with the entitlement programs is more the fact that previous administrations heavily borrowed from them and that the deficit is in fact made up of repaying the myriad of IOU’s. These programs aren’t causing the deficit, they are and should be paid in full.

The right-wing is positioning this as an old people being outraged issue, when in fact it’s an all ages soirée. I personally would like to enjoy the benefits that I’m going to spend most of my working life paying in to. That’s how it works. It’s a societal investment that should and has to this point paid dividends. This is right-wing Republican shell game that we as a nation must NOT fall for.

We must raise taxes, first and foremost. It’s going to ding everyone, but it needs to be done. Then, get out of our bullshit wars, and hopefully end the Bush Tax Cuts. Nickel-and-diming ourselves isn't going to solve anything, nor has it ever been wise to cut off your own nose to spite your face.

The mere thought that the act won’t take affect for ten year’s is cynical and spits in the face of voters today, and even those future generations that the right-wing is so careful to protect. It’s the very reason why it’s driven the Republicans off the cliff. The American public may be stupid, but is not ignorant to the white wash that’s being attempted here.

Rep. Ryan is so brave that he went home to a town hall event to “educate” his constituents. What he found were boo’s and hisses and general disdain for the plan. If only these people were to remain vigilant and make sure and vote the buffoon out of office when his term is due, I think we can all be better for it. Never mind that this “extraordinary bravery” was foolishly being forged as political capital in terms of a presidential bid is also laughable. Perhaps the presidential bid was yet another strategic way to get rid of Rep. Ryan and for the GOP to pretend it was a misstep, an educational miscue, but a learnable situation to fixing our nation’s creditworthiness.

There is nothing brave or extraordinary about being a partisan hack and pushing an agenda that sets our country back fifty years. There is nothing noble about being a talking points memo hackery pusher living on right-wing welfare like Jay Ambrose.

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